

Below is a summary of some key terms of this Privacy Policy and the Clarification Statement Regarding the Processing of Personal Data (“Privacy Policy”). This summary is for your reference only and does not form part of the Privacy Policy.

We at Getcontact listen to our users and we are committed to protecting the principles of privacy and fair use that underpin our values to offer a transparent and secure service. We want you to be confident that your personal data is safe and secure with us.  

This contract and all its provisions are in English. This Agreement and all of its provisions may be translated into any language other than English, provided the English text prevails in the event of any execution, interpretation, controversy or judgement.

This Privacy Policy  explains the following:

  • how we collect your personal data;
  • what personal data we collect;
  • how and for what purposes we use your personal data;
  • who we share your personal data with;
  • what measures we take to keep your personal data secure;
  • how long we keep your personal data
  • age boundaries
  • the rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal data.

Privacy Policy

Last modified:  June 11 2024

1. Who are we?

When we say “Getcontact”, “our,” “we,” or “us,” we’re talking about Getverify LDA acting as the data controller.This Privacy Policy and Clarification Statement Regarding the Processing of Personal Data  (“Privacy Policy ”) applies to all of our apps, services, games, features, software, and website (together, “Services”) unless specified otherwise.

This Privacy Policy t explains how we will use personal data about you and the steps we take to ensure your personal data is kept secure and confidential. It should be read together with our Terms of Service.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

We may obtain personal data from you electronically through our websites, mobile applications or other similar devices, channels or applications operated by or on behalf of Getcontact.

3. What personal data do we collect?

We collect personal data about you in the course of registering for and/or using our Services for example we may collect your name, address, payment information, username telephone number or email.

Note that it is your responsibility to check and ensure that all information, datacontent, material or data you provide us is correct, complete, accurate and not misleading.

Information that you may provide voluntarily

Certain parts of our Services may ask you to provide personal data voluntarily. For example, we will request for specific information in order for you to complete account registration, to begin using our Services, to distribute information among other users and to share information with other users when communicating through our Services, to subscribe to marketing communications from us, and/or to submit enquiries to us and to provide our Services to you,, such as:

  • Contact and correspondence information (such as name and email address);
  • Username;
  • Profile information (such as profile photo and biography); and
  • Other data you choose to give us (such as data to identify a lost account).

The personal data that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide the consent collection and processing your personal data by way of accepting this Privacy Policy.

In addition to providing your personal data by creating a profile, you may also share such data that are public or intended to be public in nature, such as when you create a channel, publish or broadcast content, or subscribe to a channel. Considering the social nature of our services, personal data such as text, audio recording, photo, video and chat content can be collected, used, or disclosed by other users participating in live broadcasts, if published in channel. 

Please note that if you will share content in channels, your content will be visible to anyone on our platform, and may also be accessed or shared by your followers as well as third parties such as search engines, content aggregators and news sites. People can join channels as follows;

• If a channel is private, it can only be joined by administrators adding it to the channel or by sharing an invitation by anyone by sending the channel link.

• If the channel is public, admins can add, use an invite link, and search for the channel directly in the search section and join.

For your enhanced security and privacy, we do not technically decrypt or retain any messages or content delivered over our Services (including your chats, media, audio or video files or location data) in the ordinary course of providing our Services to you. In addition to chat service we provide, Getcontact also technically supports communication channels which is detailly explained below sections. Everything you post in channels will be accessible to User. 

For our video calling feature, we only temporarily store call duration and call ID durations. All this information is deleted immediately after the call ends. However we may store call start time and durations for up to 6 months. At the end of this period, we may store your data in an anonymized form after separating it from your personal information.

By using Getcontact Telco Services, you acknowledge and expressly agree that Getcontct may record voicemail or have recorded by a third party and store or have stored by a third party vendor such recordings, and to make such recordings available to you. We may keep this data for up to 3 months.

Depending on your settings, if you are using private mode as anonymous user, when you search a number, your information (name, etc.) may be seen by the user you are searching in an anonymized (private mode as anonymous user). If you are not using private mode as anonymous user, your information may be viewed depending on whether the other party has Getcontact Premium. 

AI Chatbot Data Collection: When users interact with Getcontact's Chatbot Service, we collect and store the content of those interactions. This may include the questions asked, the responses given by GetContact's Chatbot Service, and any feedback provided by the user.

Data Use: The data collected during interactions with Getcontact's Chatbot Service is used to improve the functionality and accuracy of GetContact's Chatbot Service, to provide personalized experiences, and for other purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Data Sharing: We may share anonymized or aggregated data from Getcontact's Chatbot Service interactions with third parties for research and development purposes. We will not share personally identifiable information without explicit user consent, except as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Getcontact takes reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of the User's second telephone number. You acknowledge and agree that Getcontact may record voice calls or have them recorded by a third party and that these recordings may be stored by a third party service provider and made available to you. We may keep this information for up to 3 months.

Before using Getcontact, you agree to comply with all laws and regulations in force in your country or state and Getcontact has no liability for your failure to do so.

Your messages and your message history are stored on your own device and are deleted from our servers as soon as it is practicably possible.

If messages or content cannot be delivered immediately. For example, if you are offline or your phone is switched off, we may keep it on our servers by taking the necessary security measures under end-to-end encryption for up to 3 (three) months days before permanent deletion, for the sole purpose to complete the delivery of the messages or content to the intended recipient. 

You may also choose to provide us with information in connection with your interaction with our Services. For example, you may through our tagging functionality flag a phone number for authentication as spam, leave comments on another user's personal profile or share with us other profile information to be collected and verified within our search directory, for the purposes of optimising our Services and preventing potential fraud or unwanted spam for users active in the Getcontact community.

In order to take advantage of our Services, you may be asked to some features on your phone. To use Getcontact and enable Our Services, you must agree to share names, numbers and information contained in your contact list and we may access and collect information from. This helps us to detect spam calls, provide caller ID features, enhance the user experience and provide other functionality based on contact information. We may periodically synchronize this sharing. We may not be able to provide these features if you do not choose to enable these functions or allow us access those information.

Upon initiating use of the Assistant Service in Telco Services, we will collect information about your calls answered by the Assistant and the devices you use. This information includes without limitation, app installation status, call duration, call status (ongoing, completed, etc.), call content, call log and call details. Upon enabling this feature, unknown callers are prompted via an automated system to identify themselves and state the purpose of their call. All calls answered by the Assistant and therefore, the caller’s reponses will be recorded and transcribed for in-call display and retrieval from transcripts. Consequently, we may collect information from individuals who are not our users but who interact with the call screening feature. These recordings and transcripts are stored by Getcontact and are accessible to the specific Getcontact user.

The use of call data in Telco Servicesis for the purpose of improving the quality of our services and providing you with the optimal experience (such as detection and blockage of spam caller by our algorithms). Getcontact can use its machine learning to better detect and block spam (i.e., by informing our algorithms), and to improve our machine learning to provide better service etc. 

When you enable the SMS spam protection feature and grant us permission, we will collect de-identified SMS and MMS text messages from senders who are not in your contacts. For the avoidance of doubt, these messages are used to help us identify and filter spam and are not connected to your personal information when we collect and store them.

We use de-identified SMS/MMS messages to improve our spam detection algorithms and enhance the effectiveness of our spam filtering service. These messages are collected anonymously and are not linked to your personal information. The data helps us identify new spam tactics and improve the overall service for all users.

Where our Services are obtained from sources other than Google Play or Apple App Store, you may choose to share contact information with us, such as the contact information in your address book. 

We do not publish or disclose non-public contacts or personal data without your clear affirmative consent to do so, if and where we are legally required to ask your consent.

In such a case, you hereby agree and undertake that Getcontact does not bear any liability regarding the names and numbers in contained in your address book which are shared with your free-will, and/or any personal data of third parties which you have shared with us for any purpose,  and you shall be responsible of any requests, application claims, claims for indemnification of such people arising from the data protection legislation, and your further agree, accept and undertake that Getcontact reserves the right to recourse to you for any loss incurred by Getcontact due to any judicial and/or administrative sanctions imposed on Getcontact.  

By accepting Our Privacy Policy and/or Terms and/or using the Services You consent to the collection, use, sharing and processing of personal information as described herein. If you provide us with personal information about someone else, You confirm that they are aware that You have provided their information and that they consent to our use of their information (and continue to provide consent during the term of use) according to our Privacy Policy and/or Terms. You may request your shared data to be removed at any time to prevent further use of the information shared via the Services.

Upon initiating use of the Assistant Service in Telco Services, we will collect information about your calls answered by the Assistant and the devices you use. This information includes without limitation, app installation status, call duration, call status (ongoing, completed, etc.), call content, call log and call details. All calls answered by the Assistant will be recorded and transcribed for in-call display and retrieval from transcripts.

Information that you share

You share your information as you use and communicate through our Services, and we share your information to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services.

You share your information (including messages, media files, comments) as you use and communicate through our Services.

Your phone number, username and your profile information can be available to all users of our Services.

If you give your consent on your GPS data, we will process it in related services.

Users with whom you communicate can store or share your information (including your phone number or messages) with others on and off our Services. For example, any user can take a screenshot of your messages or comments or otherwise record the information that you distribute using our Services and send it to Getcontact or other persons or publish them on another platform. In such a case, Getcontact shall bear no liability.

Information that may be collected automatically

When you use our Services and us having obtained your explicit consent to do so we may also collect data automatically from you and/or your device which may be considered personal data under applicable data protection laws, such as:

  • Data and analytics about your use of our Services;
  • Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI);
  • Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language;
  • Data we collect with cookies and similar technologies;
  • Broad geographic location based on your IP address;
  • Precise geo-location data and
  • Data about your use of our Services, such as in application interaction and usage metrics.

Advertising ID means Apple Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA”) on Apple and for Google prior to Android 12 devices, Advertising Identity (“GAID”). These are unique identifiers for mobile device that advertisers use for interest-based advertising. They are consistent across all apps and thus allow cross-app tracking. 

On Apple versions older than iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 you can opt-out this by choosing “limit ad tracking” option from privacy settings. On Google Android you can opt-out by choosing “Opt-out of interest-based ads”. 

On Apple versions iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 you will be given the option to opt in as part of the AppTrackingTransparency framework which we will provide you clear information of all the different requested permissions and the relevant purpose and use for each of the permissions. For Google Android 12 and all subsequent releases, you can reset your GAID or opt out of personalised ads within Google Play at your discretion and at any time. 

Advertising IDs are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers, which are uniquely associated with your device. Similar technologies include tracking pixels within ads. These technologies allow companies (including marketers and advertisers) to recognise your device when you use websites and applications.

Data about your device refers to information about your device type, device model, device maker, device operating system and its language or other technical data like screen size or processor, or combination of this data available from a device for a developer for checking the device compatibility with a particular application.

Some of this information may be collected using cookies and/or similar technologies (such as "SDKs" or software development kits), as explained further below.

Information that we may obtain from third party sources

We may receive personal data  about you from third party sources. For example, if you clicked on an advertisement to direct you to one of our Services we may be provided with information from which ad-network and advertising campaign the install originated from. 

The data that we may collect from our partners could include;

  • Data we receive if you link a third-party tool with our Services (such as Facebook, Apple or Google);
  • Geolocation data (such as to determine the location of your IP address);
  • Data to fight fraud (such as click fraud in advertising);
  • Data from platforms that our Services run on (such as to verify payment); and
  • Data for advertising and analytics purposes, so we can optimise the Services we deliver to you.

We do not request or intend to collect any special or sensitive categories of personal data such as any information on health, race, religion, political opinions, sexual preferences or orientation. 

You may choose to connect to our Services via a choice of third-party social platform accounts (such as Facebook, Google+, Apple or Telegram) for the strict purpose of creating and authenticating your Getcontact user profile and for logging in and registration to our Services. 

If we are granted permission by you to have access to your social platform account user ID then our Services may be visible on your social platform page that lists your “applications.” 

Your chosen third-party social platform may automatically provide us with access to certain personal information retained by them about you, including your social platform account user ID which we may store strictly for the purpose of authenticating and retaining your account and profile preferences. 

We will never store any passwords created for any third-party services. Exactly what data  we receive from your social platform account will depend on your privacy settings.

Third-Party Information

We receive information about you from other users. For example, when users use our Services, they may provide your phone number, name, and other information (such as from their mobile address book, as well as by leaving comments in a special field to your personal profile) just as you may provide relevant information about them. They may also send you messages or call you. 

We require each of those users to have lawful rights to collect, use, and share your information before providing any information to us and we are not responsible for the disclosure of information about privacy (including personal data) as a result of the user's actions during the use of the Services. If a comment left on a user's personal profile violates the Getcontact Code of Conduct, the user of this profile can send us a request to delete such a comment through the customer support here. A request to delete a comment, regardless of reasoning, is subject to consideration and a decision is made accordingly on the basis of the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Code of Conduct, legislation in force in the country of use of the Services. We will make efforts to respond promptly to such a request, but in any case, the period of consideration and response to the request will not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt of such a request.

Getcontact may accesses notifications and collects personal data to enhance user experience. This data is utilized to display call information and improve app functionality and give Services.

4. How and for what purposes do we use your personal data ?

Subject always to obtaining your prior consent and your preference selections in application settings, we may use your personal data in the following ways:

1. to enable you to access and use the Services. For example;

  • To create user accounts and profiles;
  • To identify and verify spam or malicious caller IDs;
  • To provide you with the correct versions of our applications;
  • To perform on any applicable contractual obligations and
  • To send you service related communications including confirmations, technical notices, updates, security alerts, support or administrative messages and notifications related to your profile visits, directory searches and whether profile related tags have been viewed or any new tags added to the Getcontact directory.

More specifically, we may use your personal data to enable our in-application caller identification and verification function that allows for the verification of unidentified numbers and other data in call or message logs, including the identification of names or tags associated with a certain number related to the incoming or outgoing calls on your device. This function can only disclose personal data related to a number if the number is already available for search in a public database or the number has been associated to a Getcontact user who has consented to his or her number and profile information to be made available for search and for publication as part of the Getcontact directory.

We process your personal data when we must comply with a legal obligation or have a legitimate interest. Such legitimate interests of Getcontact include the protection and maintenance of the security and technical infrastructure of our Services, to create and update our active fraud and spam directories, to implement our spam and unwanted call locking features, understand and improve our Services and to administer our technical and customer support. Where we process data based on your explicit consent, you may withdraw your consent and/or review your profile preferences at any time via our Privacy Management Centre.

2. to personalise and improve aspects of our Services. For example;

  • To respond to your customer support requests;
  • To receive error messages about any issues you / your device encounters with our Services to enable us to fix bugs and interoperability issues;
  • To detecting and preventing illegal activities;
  • To track application installs, for purposes of measuring the effect of our marketing campaigns;
  • To conduct optional user feedback surveys;
  • To remember you next time you visit one of our Services; and
  • Communicate with you about promotions, rewards, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by us.

We may use your personal data to share information with you related to your interaction with our services including the activity of any connections you may have in common, directly or indirectly, with other users of our Services to provide notifications related to profile visits, profile tags added or viewed and any related profile directory searches via our functions and/or in application features. 

3. to communicate with you, including some or all of the following:

  • To provide you with in-app offers and rewards based on your interaction with our Services;
  • To serve you with relevant targeted advertisements; and
  • To send you marketing communications and/or newsletters if you have subscribed for them about rewards and promotions.
  • To send you a notification when any related profile tag has been added or viewed in relation to your profile or of any other profile available in the Getcontact directory subject to preference settings selected in application

4. for research, such as analysing market trends and customer demographics;

5. to comply with legal obligations, including to prevent and/or detect fraud or provide disclosure to the authorities when required by applicable law.

When you use our Services, you can choose not to authorise the use of your personal data for marketing purposes. If and when you authorise it, you would be able to withdraw your consent at any time and at no cost, by un-listing from our Services.

Except for channel communications, our chat feature, which is among our Services, is supported only among Getcontact users, and it is ensured that personal data such as text, audio recording, photo, video, location information and chat contents are sent and received in, end-to-end encrypted form, and necessary security measures taken. We would like to point out that no one, including the developers, can see and read the chat contents.

In case you want to use channel features (public or private channels) you are expected to create a username, (if a username is not created somehow, such users will create a unique username), your username and your photo, if any, are processed by Getcontact for the purpose of providing and performing the Service. 

Public channels can be found within the Getcontact and anyone can join these channels. We would like to point out that if these channels are used, personal data such as text, audio recording, photo, video, location information shared in the chat within the channel and chat contents will be visible to the people in the channel.

5. On what legal grounds do we process your personal data?

We will only collect and use your personal data (as described in section 4) in accordance with applicable data protection laws.  Our grounds for processing your personal data are as follows:

  1. Explicit Consent – Where necessary we will only collect and process your personal data if you have given your clear and affirmative consent for us to do so.
  2. Legitimate Interests – We may use and process some of your personal data where we have sensible and legitimate business grounds for doing so. Our legitimate interests for processing your personal data are for us to enable you access and use of our Services, to create and update our active fraud and spam directories in order to provide protection to our users and the wider community against potential threats of malicious callers or numbers having been flagged with previous intent to conduct fraudulent or criminal activity, to effectively implement our spam and unwanted call blocking features, to understand and improve our spam and fraud protection mechanisms and to administer our technical and customer support for the delivery of our Services.
  3. Legal obligations – We may need to process your personal data when we are required to comply with a legal obligation.
  4. Provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract - We may need to process your personal data when we provide Services to you or when we communicate with you about the Service. It includes that the receive and administering premium services and packages; and processing personal data to handle payment processes.

6. Who do we share your personal data with?

When you use any of our Services, we may disclose your personal data to the following parties:

a) to any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party where we believe disclosure is necessary;

b) to any other person with your explicit consent to the disclosure; and

c) to third party services providers and partners who provide a specific Service on our behalf, perform data storage or data processing services, including those located outside your territory and to assist us in analysing how our Services are performing. These third parties have access to your Personal Data only for the strict purpose to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

d) Your information regarding the payment and payment methods (including payment institutions, PSP (payment service provider), payment broker, payment service provider, technical integrator) of the Services, including those located outside of your region, is the performance, development and analysis of the core service we provide under our Terms of Service agreement; and information on payment and payment methods are transferred to our Business Partners as a third party so that our Company, as data controller, can fulfill its legal obligation.

e) Getcontact may share your personal information with third-party service providers that help us operate the Service, such as hosting providers and customer support providers, with the User's consent. The Company may share your personal information to fulfil its legal obligation or enforce the Terms of Service.

In addition, your personal data may and will be transferred abroad and processed by our Group Companies, third party service providers and partners located outside the borders of your country, based on your approval. By accepting our terms of Service, you are deemed to have consented to the processing and transfer of your personal data abroad. If you do not accept the processing and transfer of your personal data abroad, you may choose not to use our Services.

Teknasyon Yazılım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. is attained and authorized as a commercial agent to collect and pass thru payments to Us.

Click for the list of Third Party Service Providers.

7. What cookies do we use?

A cookie is a very small text file placed on your computer or device. We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalise our Services, analyse use, target advertisements and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser or device settings, but some parts of our Services may then not function properly.

8. What advertisements do we show on our Services?

The advertisements that you see displayed on our Services are delivered on our behalf by certain third-party Advertising Partners. No information which identifies you, for example your name, address, email address or telephone number, is used to provide this advertising. In order to display advertising most likely to be relevant to you, these third-party advertisers may place or recognise a unique cookie on your browser. This cookie does not collect personal information about you nor is it linked to any identifiable information about you. By using our Services, you are consenting to the use of these third-party cookies for these purposes.

If you would like more information about online advertisements and your choices about how this information may be used by these companies, please find more information here http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices.

9. What steps do we take to keep your personal data safe?

Your personal data’s security is very important to us. This is why, where it’s appropriate, we use HTTPS to help keep information about you secure. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. 

We do our best to keep the information you disclose to us secure. However, we can't guarantee or warrant the security of any information which you send to us and you do so at your own risk. By using our Services, you accept the inherent risks of providing information online and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.

As stated above, in terms of our messaging feature, which is among our Services, personal data such as text, voice recording, photo, video, location information and message contents shared in the messaging are sent and received in end-to end encrypted form, and may keep in a encrypted and can secured manner by taking necessary security measures. 

In addition, if you want to use the channel and chat room features, we would like to point out that personal data such as text, sound recording, photo, video, location information shared in the chat within the relevant channel and chat contents may keep securely by taking the necessary security measures.

10. How long do we keep your personal data?

Unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law, we may retain your personal data only for as long as reasonably necessary for its purposes and  to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy  and for our legitimate business purposes, such as to comply with our legal obligations, regulatory obligations resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements or for the longer of three (3) years after we become aware that you have ceased using our Services for the information. We may retain other information that is not personally identifiable for backups, archiving, prevention of fraud and abuse, analytics, or where we otherwise reasonably believe that we have a legitimate reason to do so. For example, We may only retain certain data for up to 3 (three) months, after which they may be deleted and no longer accessible. 

Unless stated otherwise in this Privacy Policy, the personal data that you provide us will only be stored for as long as it is necessary for us to fulfill our obligations in respect of the provision of the Services.

Your consent to provide us with your personal data shall be valid within the period of fullfilment the purposes under this Privacy Policy and this clause.

11. Do we host and/or transfer your personal data outside of the country you are resident?

Our Services are global by nature and your personal data may be hosted/transferred in/to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident. These countries may have data protection laws that are different to the laws of your country. We take steps to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect your data as explained in our Privacy Statement. Adequate safeguards that our partners may use include standard contractual clauses approved by EU Commission and the Privacy Shield certification in case of transfers to the USA.

Your personal data will and may be transferred to our Group Companies, third party service providers and partners located outside the borders of your country, based on your approval. By accepting our terms of service, you are deemed to have consented to the processing and transfer of your personal data abroad. If you do not accept the transfer of your personal data abroad, you can choose not to use our Services.

12. Age Limits

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about or direct or target interest-based advertising to anyone under the age of 18 years or knowingly allow such persons to use our Services.  If you learn that your child has provided us with personal data without your consent, then you may alert our customer support here. If we learn that we have collected personal data from children under 18, then we will promptly take steps to delete that data as soon as it is practicably possible.  

13. Managing your Privacy preferences and your personal data rights 

We want you to be in control of your privacy preferences, so we have developed a number of features in app and a dedicated Privacy Management Centre to make this as easy as possible.

You may submit a request for us to permanently delete your account. Your account will be deleted within 30 days at the latest, however, we may still hold certain information to comply with regulatory requirements. In case you submit a new request to us to open your account within the foregoing period time until our process for deletion is finalized, your initial request for deleting the account will be disregarded by GTC and it will be deemed as withdrawal of your initial request for deleting, therefore, your account will not be deleted.

Access, Correction, Deletion and Portability. 

You can access and edit your basic profile information and preferences from within the Getcontact app. You can also obtain a copy of information that is not available in our app in a portable format, so you can move it or store it wherever you want. 

We will require you to verify your identity or provide additional information related to your account before we let you access or update your personal information. We may also reject your request to access or update your personal information for a number of reasons, including, for example, if the request is unlawful or whether to do so would impact the protection of other users in the Getcontact community.

You may submit a request for us to permanently delete your account. Your account will be deleted within the period stated on your popup text, however, we may still hold certain information to comply with regulatory requirements. In case you submit a new request to us to open your account within the foregoing period time until our process for deletion is finalized, your initial request for deleting the account will be disregarded by Getcontact and it will be deemed as withdrawal of your initial request for deleting, therefore, your account will not be deleted.

In addition, you may have certain rights under existing and applicable data protection legislation including; 

(i) Your right to learn whether your personal data is being processed and to request information about it if it has been processed;

(ii) Your right to learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose;

(iii) Your right to know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred (in Turkey or abroad)

(iv) Right to access: the right to request copies of your personal data from us;

(v) Right to correct: the right to have your personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete;

(vi) Right to erase: the right to request that we delete or remove your personal data from our systems;(vii) Your right to request notification of the transactions in the articles v and vi. to third parties to whom personal data is transferred;

(viii) Right to restrict our use of your information: the right to prohibit us from using your personal data or limit the way in which we can use it;

(ix) Right to data portability: the right to request that we move, copy or transfer your personal data;

(x) Right to object: the right to object to our use of your personal data including where we use it for our legitimate interests;

(xi) Your right to object to the emergence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems; and

(xii) If your personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing, your right to demand the compensation of the damage.

14. Complaints 

You can lodge a complaint with your local data protection supervisory authority when you have a complaint about the use of your personal data. To make enquiries, exercise any of your rights set out in this Privacy Policy and/or make a complaint you can contact our customer support team.

15. Changes to this Privacy Policy 

We reserve the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy  at any time and any changes will be published on our Services. The date of the most recent revision will appear on this page. If we make significant changes to this Policy , we may also notify you by other means such as sending an email.  Where required by law we will obtain your consent to make these changes. If you do not agree with any changes, please do not continue to use our Services. 

16. Information Relating to Children

Our Services are intended for general audiences over the age of 18 years old. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 years old. If you are not over 18 years old then do not download or use our services. If you believe that we may have personal information from or about a child under the age of 18 years old, please contact us at the applicable email support@getcontact.com (please include your name, mailing address, and email address). Note that we'll attempt to delete the account of any child under the age of 18 that's reported to us as soon as possible. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your account.

हाम्रो वेबसाइटमा कुकिजमार्फत तपाईंको व्यक्तिगत डाटा प्रक्रिया गरिन्छ। साइटको प्रकार्यता र सुरक्षाका लागि आवश्यक कुकिज प्रयोग गरिन्छ भने अनुकूलन र विश्लेषणसम्बन्धी उद्देश्यहरूका लागि अन्य कुकिक प्रयोग गरिन्छन्। तपाईं हाम्रो cookie मा गई आफ्ना कुकीसम्बन्धी प्राथमिकताहरू व्यवस्थित गर्न र थप जानकारी फेला पार्न सक्नुहुन्छ।